
Carpaccio of Sea Bream and Sea Bass

4 people
20 min


- 200 gr Seam Bream and Sea Bass (thinly sliced)
- Rucola
- Basil
- Green onions
- Peppers
- Shichimi Tôgarashi (or Shichimi oil)
- 2 tbsp Extra-virgin olive oil
- 1 tbsp Lemon juice
- Salt

1) Put the thin slices of fish on a plate, sprinkle with salt, poor the lemon juice, add some Shichimi spice (o Shichimi Oil) and extra-virgin olive oil.

2) Roll it and put in the fridge for circa 30 minutes to soften the taste.

3) Set on a serving plate and add the vegetables.

This recipe by courtesy of Yawataya Isogoro.